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Wednesday, 09 May 2007



oh that is the sweetest thing!!! i love that you've inspired the kids in this way! xx


I already wrote you how inspiring your work is. The smallmums are so touching...


Those are just darling... What a wonderful idea. The mothers will surely love them! I can't wait for my set to arrive; I was so thrilled to see some of my favorites in Set B.

Thanks so much!


The children's cards are just gorgeous.


I love the small mums cards! What a great idea - your art is inspiring young artists all over the world!! I will need to get my friend to buy some Small Artist cards for me - no paypal account - or I could just set one up!! Sorely tempted....


Simply brilliant.

What a wonderful and thoughtful gift inspired by you. I wish my son was in the class!


how wonderful that the children made "smallmums". i'm sure they will be treasured. what inspiration.

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