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Monday, 12 June 2006



I have a rule of thumb for making things at this moment in my life (with two small-ish children). If it serves no purpose, don't do it. Now a knitted flower, that serves a purpose. It makes something ordinary look a little less ordinary. But a cupcake. Hmmm, no. I can't think of a purpose. Therefore, don't do it. But they are cute.


i had the same sentiment about the cupcake. don't get me wrong i love knitting and i love cupcakes but to me it is just another thing sitting around the house.

i am excited to try a bit of the old crochet since i just received the Visual Crochet book as a prize from Whip-up. i have never been very good at crochet but now is as good a time as any. you have been an inspiration.


nice scarf! I think i'll make one too. i'm knitting the double cable scarf at the moment as a fathers day gift for the hubby.


oh shit! my little girl has a cupcake beanie that a friend bought her from a craft fair. She looks so god damn cute in it (and she is way to young to ever remember wearing it, although I will have photographic proof)!!!!
I couldn't knit to save my life


I love that red crochet scarf - do you have instructions for that?? so pretty...


Sachet, sachet, sachet! Or you could fill them with potpouri... Or you could fill them with catnip and use them for kitty toys.
I've got this book, too, and I plan to knit a bunch as Christmas gifts... and make them into sachets.

 wholesale men's shoes

ll them with catnip and use them for kitty toys.
I've got this book, too, and I

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